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Google Shoelace

We remind you that in April of this year, Google suspended the work of its social network Google+. We have to admit that this was to be expected, since the service could not compete with such giants as Facebook and Instagram.

It is not the first time that Google has had to shut down its social network. In 2011, the company launched a similar project called Schemer, which was also not popular among users and closed three years after the launch of the service.

Now, despite two previous failures, Google has launched another social project, Shoelace, which means laces. So far, the social network is in test mode and is available only for devices with Android and iOS operating systems, and only for the city of New York, USA.

The Shoelace project promises to be interesting and not similar to the familiar Facebook and Vkontakte. According to preliminary information, this project is more focused on companies that can find organizations with similar interests in the network.

A netizen creates an event on their calendar and others can show interest and join them. The platform will take into account the interests of the user and offer similar events by analyzing preferences and interests.

Unfortunately, the Shoelace network is not yet available to us so that we can test it, but we hope that in the near future we will have such an opportunity and we will be able to assess the advantages and disadvantages of the third project of the Google social network.

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