Everyone wants their site to occupy the first positions in the search engines, but achieving this is sometimes very difficult. Today we will tell you the main reasons why the site pages take low positions on the most popular search engines.
The primary reason for this phenomenon may be the poor content of the site, namely, the lack of information content of text materials. If earlier, search engines focused their attention on the number of keywords in the content of the site, today more attention is paid to those pages where the text is written as informative as possible, and most importantly for people, and not for search robots.
The search engines Google and Yandex are constantly making changes to the code of their car: they make them smarter. This constant update was driven by the fact that SEOs were finding loopholes to get pages up faster in search results. I must say that they did it well, but there is no such freebie anymore. Search engines have learned to distinguish between artificial and natural website text. Speaking artificial, I mean the content that was originally written for search robots, and not to inform people. In such texts, the maximum number of key phrases was used, so that the pages were in the TOP of search results within a week. Today, pages with such tricks, on the contrary, find themselves in the most unenviable positions in search results.
Natural text is when the text contains the maximum information content for site visitors and uses ordinary, simple, human-understandable phrases, and not a set of incomprehensible terms and the repetition of the same phrase through each sentence. Therefore, the text of the pages must be written so that it is understandable to everyone and over time, such pages will rank well.
Another reason for the poor position of the pages may be the structure of the whole site and its technical parameters: improperly structured tree of pages, incomprehensible characters in the "URL", lack of secure "https" protocol, site loading speed, site design not adapted to the screens of various mobile devices, not optimized images, and many other technical factors.
The main reason for the poor position of the pages is the high competition. Every business sector has its competitors. In some industry there are more of them, and in some less. Companies with fewer competitors can easily promote their products and services in the search engines, because the keywords used may have fewer competitors in the search engines. Consequently, such pages can climb faster in search results. Others, with more competitors, may face a high keyword cost, and the higher the keyword cost, the harder it is to promote a site for free in search engines.
In order to identify what exactly affects the low page positions, you need to conduct a full technical analysis of the pages of the entire site and a detailed SEO audit of the site. Fortunately, today there are many free services for auditing a site, but audit is only the first step towards improving a site, because it can only show the causes of problems, and only experienced specialists solve problems.
They say that you can't skimp on quality. Also here. The site is the tool that will generate income, so it must work efficiently and smoothly. If the site has problems, then this solution of these problems should be entrusted to professionals. Today, business is rapidly moving into the Internet market, because consumers are increasingly resorting to the services of search engines to find goods and services. If companies have a poorly indexed site or they don't have a site at all, then they are losing a significant share of customers.