Hello! It depends on what type of site you choose: on a template or with an individual design. Also, the timing depends on the size of the content, on the number of pages. More specifically, we can say only after we get acquainted with the terms of reference for the development of the site.

No. You must purchase the hosting and domain name yourself. We are not involved in providing this service. We can advise you which hosting is better and which is worse.

Good afternoon! You can choose any content management system or we can make a self-written administrative panel.

If the online store is based on a ready-made template, then the price starts at $ 210. Custom designed from US $ 399. You can look at more detailed information on this page: Development of an online store

A turnkey website means that from development to filling the site, we will deal with it. That is, we will develop the design, make up the site, write the text, select the appropriate images for the site. If there is no logo, then we will develop it ourselves. Only timely payment is required from you, and our specialists will do the rest.

Good afternoon! Each site that we develop, we immediately adapt to the screens of various devices, including the screens of mobile phones and tablets. You do not need to pay for this service separately. It is included in the cost of developing any type of site that you order from us.

Good afternoon! technical support is provided if you conclude an additional agreement for the maintenance of the site, and this is a paid service. We can advise free of charge on certain technical issues.